The Abel Tasman Youth Ambassador (ATYA) programme (formerly Student Advisory Board) provides students the opportunity to develop and grow as leaders, connect with other passionate students, and strengthen ties with their communities. These opportunities are delivered to students through a programme that builds students’ connections with the Park and their school’s adopt a section.
Project Janszoon recognises the value of providing students who have been involved in the ATYA programme further opportunities to develop as leaders and ambassadors for the Park.
The Project Janszoon Conservation Education scholarship aims to support former or current ATYA (or SAB) students to pursue relevant development opportunities. The Scholarship is worth $1,000.
Students who have been an ATYA (or previously SAB member) at an adopt a section school can apply.
Applications will be assessed on the applicant’s potential contribution as a conservation and community leader for the Park and for New Zealand. The panel will consider:
- The applicant’s involvement in ATYA/SAB including how they’ve represented the programme and Project Janszoon as an ambassador.
- The applicant’s demonstrated motivation and initiative in conservation/leadership and self-development.
- The relevance and value of the proposed development opportunity and alignment with Project Janszoon project outcomes.
Application Process:
Applications must be submitted by Wednesday 11th December by 5pm to brooke@janszoon.org. They must include:
- Application form completed in full.
- Cover letter indicating why you should receive the scholarship (1 page maximum).
- Letter of support from either teacher/iwi/conservation group.
Applications will be assessed by a panel (Project Janszoon/DOC/external) and the successful applicant will be confirmed in late January 2020.
Scholarship conditions:
- Scholarship must go towards further learning linked to conservation, ecology or leadership (e.g. university degree, training such as outward bound/NMIT ranger program, a conservation project).
- Scholarship to be used in 2020.
- Evidence of scholarship use to be provided.
- Must have been an ATYA (or previously SAB member) at an adopt a section school in the last 3 years.
- Must provide a report about an aspect of learning from the scholarship to Project Janszoon, present at a Project Janszoon Trust meeting, or share at an Abel Tasman Youth Ambassadors trip (costs to do this will be covered by Project Janszoon) post scholarship.
- Post scholarship, you will complete an interview on the use of the scholarship for use on the Project Janszoon website.
Any questions, or to confirm you are eligible, please contact:
Brooke Turner – Coordinator Project Janszoon Education
0274475888 or brooke@janszoon.org
Download application form here
(Form will need to be printed)