Abel Tasman National Park 75th anniversary celebrations a success


Around 130 locals joined Project Janszoon on a special cruise in the Park on Sunday 26 November to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Abel Tasman.

We were delighted there was so much interest in the cruise with tickets selling out.  Two walks in the upper reaches of the Park in September and October with our Project Janszoon flora and fauna experts also filled up.

It was also Project Janszoon’s 5th birthday and director Bruce Vander Lee says the cruise was a great way to let locals know what has been happening with the Park’s restoration.

“Five years into the project we have done a lot in terms of reducing weeds and predators, which has meant we have been able to return rare bird species like kākā, kākāriki/yellow crowned parakeet, pāteke/brown teal and tieke/saddleback. Locals tell us the dawn chorus in the Park has improved incredibly over the last five years which is fantastic to hear and it was a pleasure to be able to share the early successes and our plans for the next 25 years,” he says.

Speakers included representatives from the Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust, local iwi, the Department of Conservation, Project Janszoon’s bird and dune restoration experts, Abel Tasman Youth Ambassadors from Motueka High School and Golden Bay resident Geoff Rennison who was the Park’s first chief ranger from 1974 to 1997.

Thanks to Wilsons Abel Tasman – who generously supported the cruise and made sure the day went off well.

“Thank you for organising such an enjoyable trip. Project Janszoon’s work has been amazing and we felt privileged to be given an update by so many of those involved. Loved the young people’s involvement,” Catherine Franks, Awaroa resident

“Thanks for bringing everyone together to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Abel Tasman National Park. It was great hearing about the history of the Park from different perspectives. It has an exciting future!”  Abby Butler, Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust coordinator (pictured speaking to the crowd at Anchorage)

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