Fungi Friday – Entoloma perzonatum

27 January 2022 | All News » Fungi Friday

Autumn is the season that most people associate with abundant displays of fungi fruiting bodies. They can however be found all year round.  Entoloma perzonatum is one such species that can be seen at this time of year. Often found growing in paddocks, and standing out with their concentric rings of brown, the caps or pilei of these toadstools grow to be 25-40mm across.Entoloma is a large genus of pink spored fungi found worldwide, with species numbering upwards of 1000. Our most recognizable Entoloma species in New Zealand is the lovely sky blue Entoloma hochstetteri or werewere-kokako – named after the blue wattles of the North Island kokako.

These little stripey toadstools were seen at the beginning of December amongst the grass in the Canaan Downs area of ATNP by DOC ranger Deb Price.

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