November 15 2018
NZ Education HQ
For the past six years, Motueka High School has been privileged to be a part of the restoration and preservation of the Abel Tasman National Park, which is the major focus of Project Janszoon – a trust which is working to reverse the ecological decline of one of the most beautiful natural resources that is patronised by so many local and international visitors.
They have been part of the Project Janszoon and Department of Conservation (DOC) ‘Adopt a Section’ initiative, which involves students taking ownership and management of a specific part of the park.
This has been integrated into a number of different subjects at school, including Physics, Graphics, Biology, Tourism, Geography, Science and Outdoor Education.
They work alongside DOC, and in particular Brooke Turner, the education coordinator at Project Janszoon, to provide hands-on learning, as well as NCEA credits, to a wide range of students.

There are also extra-curricular opportunities for students to be involved in, including becoming Abel Tasman Youth Ambassadors; a highlight of this role was recently meeting with royalty to discuss with the Duke and Ducess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the work that is being done in the park.