Message from Devon McLean
As 2016 draws to a close I would like to thank everyone involved with Project Janszoon for the time, energy and commitment they have given this year.
It is heartening to see how many people are supporting the project, from the concession operators and bach owners, to iwi, Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust members, many volunteers and the dedicated Janszoon and DOC teams. We are always looking for ways to involve people in the restoration of the Park, and this year have included a “have you seen this” area to the smart phone app so visitors can report bird and pests to us. The more we know about what is happening in the Park, the better we can manage its restoration.
This year great inroads have been made towards securing the Park from weeds and invasive predators. Apart from some careful work to be completed on the maritime pine block above Bark Bay the wilding control project, so ably driven by the Birdsong Trust, has moved into the maintenance phase. Around 19,000 ha of the Abel Tasman is now stoat trapped and the recently completed 842 ha Falls River intensive protection area is the first phase of a zone that will ultimately provide a safe corridor for the birds at the top of the Park to link with the coast. The successful September 1080 pest control operation in the north of the park has also provided a vital breathing space for plants, birds and invertebrates.
2017 will see more kākā and kākāriki released and we will have our first pateke translocation mid-year, at Hadfield Clearing behind Awaroa. The restoration planting at Hadfield Clearing is going well, and we are getting great feedback about the Firesmart and dune restoration work. This will be extended next year and some initial thinking is coming together for restoration work at the Awaroa “people’s” Beach.
After four years shaping our education programme Wendy Reeve is moving on to new challenges and I want to acknowledge and thank her for her diligence and skill in developing this leading edge initiative. We have recently completed an independent review of the programme and will be looking to work closely with DOC as we incorporate the learnings from this and other environmental education work around the country as we take this effort forward.
I wish you a happy Christmas with your friends and family and I hope you get the opportunity to enjoy the Park over summer