Abel Tasman Youth Ambassador applications open


Applications for the 2018 Abel Tasman Youth Ambassadors are now open.

The Abel Tasman Youth Ambassadors (ATYA) programme gives students from all of the Adopt a Section partner schools an opportunity to connect with each other, with their own communities, and to lead. It is a unique platform and supportive environment for aspiring young leaders to develop and grow.

Abel Tasman Youth Ambassadors get the opportunity to provide input into education programmes, events, community outreach, and improving the visitor experience in the Park. There is also the chance to lead events and drive other fun and interesting activities in the Park.

Ambassadors get great opportunities to visit the Park and learn about its special environment from experts.  You become ambassadors for the Abel Tasman both regionally and nationally.

Each Adopt a Section School (Golden Bay High School, Motueka High School and Motupipi Primary School) nominate four students and 1 teacher to be part of ATYA. There are also two iwi representatives appointed by local iwi. The programme is supported by Project Janszoon and DOC staff.

If you are interested in being an ATYA representative, please contact the lead teacher for your school by the due dates.

26 September 2017

Golden Bay High School – markm@gbh.school.nz

Motupipi Primary School – heleny@motupipi.school.nz

13 September 2017

Motueka High School – heidi.james@motuekahigh.school.nz

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